
Anti-Cutecumber Anti-Barks is one of the supporing antagonists in Cletus Comics, and a one-time antagonist in Sibling Rivalries. Being the Anti-Dog counterpart of Cutecumber, Anti-Cutecumber is evil, and is always seen with his brother Anti-Steve and nephew Anti-Steve, Jr.. The Anti-Trio are more popular in the series than their owner Anti-Cletus, which is also a difference, which is why they appear more than Anti-Cletus, and in all of their appearence in SR, they appear without Anti-Cletus.


Much like his counterpart, Anti-Cutecumber appears in the same comics (both CC and SR) as his brother. See Anti-Steve#Appearences.


  • Anti-Steve and Anti-Cutecumber are shown to have a strong hatred towards eachother in "Evil Counterparts Have More Fun!", but since Steve, Jr.'s birth (which was right after the comic mentioned above), they are shown to be friendly with eachother.
