
"Maybe today I can act younger..."
―Patrick McReary

Yearning to be Young is the ninth comic of the Sibling Rivalries series.


After working out a little, Packie says that things were easier when he was a little kid, so he tries acting young again. After a few awkward moments, he slowly realizes that growing up is not as bad as he thought.

Character Appearances[]

♥ = character's debut
♠ = character does not speak throughout comic
♣ = character is mentioned only
♦ = character appears in a speaking/non-speaking cameo only

McReary Family[]

McReary Siblings' Friends[]




  • This is the first comic of the series to show different time periods, as the comic starts with flashbacks to the year 2007, then the epilogue is set twenty years into the future.
  • Packie does push-ups in the comic, although it was mentioned before that he hates exercise. Packie would hate exercise all the way up to Season 12 comic "My Ma Said Knock You Out".
  • It is odd that Packie and Francis expresses concern about growing up and life becoming more about responsibilities now that they are apparently "no longer children". For the most part, the rest of the series has them enjoy many child-like adventures with occasional mature moments.
  • The entire comic takes place at the McReary Residence (including the flashbacks and scenes from the future), while the outside world was never seen.

Regarding Past Scenes[]

  • There is an inconsistency with the beginning of the comic, regarding a flashback to the year 2007. Francis tells his mother that he has befriended Joel Gonzales, although later comic "Pack To The Past" establishes that Joel and his family have been familiar with the McRearys since at least 2006.
  • It is never stated when in 2007 the flashback at the beginning of the comic occurs, though it is said that Kate is only 11 months old in the flashback, and as she was born on May 11 2006, that would put the setting of the flashback to sometime in April 2007.

Regarding Future Scenes[]

  • In the future, all of the McReary brothers are wearing hats. Packie is notably wearing a black hat, and in later comic "Pack To The Future", set four years in the future, Francis gives Packie his special black hat before he leaves to college. Packie may be wearing Francis's hat here, albeit backwards.
  • Aiden Wilson, the siblings' half-brother who was born in Season 4, is nowhere to be seen in the future scenes. However, with his removal from canon in Season 6, this is no longer a concern.
    • However, now there is an inconsistency with later step-brother Zachary Marshall not appearing with the family members. This can be excused as the scene was only intended to showcase the five McReary siblings.

